A software engineer
Realtime applications are hard to design in .NET world, we have SignalR Core which gives us a painless interface for developing such applications. SignalR Core is a very new library, here I will be discussing a problem case which came with the latest versions.
Hello again, today’s subject is a javascript library called Fabric.js. I have worked with this library a couple of times in the past. However, you have to improvise while using the library features for advanced usages. I needed common features for my projects. Such as, history implementation (redo, undo), clipping the canvas, export image with high resolution and so on. I think this blog post will help other people for required such kind of features.
I’ve been using Hangfire for almost 2 years. It’s a wonderful job schedule API with persistent storage. Community have a lot of examples about how to use Hangfire. However, almost all of them use the application (UI) as a hangfire server. Here, I will explain how to use Hangfire with docker and multiple servers. Let’s begin.
Temiz ve yalın kod yazmak yazılım dünyasında olmazsa olmaz şeylerin başında geliyor. Bunu sağlamak için bir çok yol var bizde bunlardan birine değineceğiz.
Bu yazımda Microsoft’un makine öğrenmesi kütüphanesi olan ML.NET’i kullanarak dil sınıflandırma yapacağım. Örnek vermek gerekirse, dökümanları, yazıları vb. şeylerin dillerini tespit edebileceğiz. İşe kendi eğitim ve test verilerimizi oluşturarak başlayacağım.